[WebYoung] Scarlett Sage, Lilly Ford (Stormy Seduction / 01.25.2019

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Watch Free JAV Porn Lilly Ford and Scarlett Sage are sitting next to each other in Scarlett’s bedroom. Lilly is having so much fun at their first slumber party as they read each other’s palms. Scarlett slowly traces her fingers over Lilly’s palm. Scarlett tells Lilly that she will be very rich and famous. The girls giggle. Continuing to run her fingers delicately over Lilly’s hand, Scarlett notices something interesting. She tells Lilly that she will meet a really hot guy in the future. Lilly is skeptical. Yeah right, she says, how’s she supposed to meet a hot guy when she’s always so nervous around them? That probably explains why she’s still a virgin, Lilly adds. Actually, she’s never even kissed a guy before

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