[WebYoung 05-29-2020] Mackenzie Moss Reconnecting

Emily Willis is lying on her bed, scrolling through her old photos on her phone. She happens upon one that seems to catch her eye and clicks on the photo. It’s a photo of Emily and Mackenzie Moss. They are smiling and look very happy. Emily sighs nostalgically and a little sadly as she looks at the photo. Clearly, Mackenzie is important to her. Emily gets a text from another friend inviting her out to the club but ignores the text, saying aloud to herself ‘I am NOT in the mood to go out tonight. The only thing I want to do tonight is…’ Emily pulls up Mackenzie’s contact info on her phone as her finger hovers over the ‘call’ button. She seems to be having an inner debate. ‘No…I can’t,’ she says aloud to herself sadly, but after a few more seconds of debate, seems to change her mind. She takes a deep breath and pushes ‘call

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