[NuruMassage] Vina Sky Risky Business 12.14.2018

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Watch Free JAV Porn Vina Sky is working the receptionist desk at the massage parlor and typing some notes about client bookings. She is not paying much attention to her surroundings. Suddenly a voice saying ‘Excuse me, hi, I’m here for a massage?’ gets her attention, and she looks up a bit startled. When she sees the face of the man who said it, Lucas Frost, her jaw drops. He’s gorgeous! She stands up straight and greets him, while Lucas mentions that he’s interested in a Nuru massage. He’s done lots of research about it, and it seems to be right up his alley. Vina jumps at the chance to give him a Nuru massage and sells him on it by explaining the steps of the massage and all of its health benefits. Sold, Lucas tells her – can he just do it right away? Vina looks at her laptop and frowns a bit, saying their schedule’s quite booked for the next little while. Lucas flirts and says damn, he was really hoping she could be the one to massage him actually.

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