[NuruMassage 03-05-2019] Investor In Law

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Watch Free JAV Porn AJ Applegate, a young masseuse, encourages her father-in-law, Marcus London, to sit down at the dining room table. She apologizes for not having the table set but she wasn’t expecting him to arrive for dinner so early — but it’ll be nice to have more time to catch up. Marcus is always a way for business! Marcus looks proud and says that the traveling is the best part. He then asks where his son, Billy, is, and AJ says he should be down any minute. Soon Marcus and AJ are setting the table together. As they do so, Marcus stands close, touching her shoulder in passing in a way that lingers just a bit too long. Billy unknowingly breaks the awkwardness by stepping into the dining room with a smile. He approaches his father and hugs him, cheerfully greeting him. It’s been a while! Billy chats about how he and AJ are going to a community event that weekend to try and drum up some interest in AJ’s new massage business. ‘How IS the business doing?’ Marcus asks, looking at AJ, who looks embarrassed as she admits that it’s… not going as well as she thought it would. If they had more money, she’d invest in getting more marketing and visibility, but there’s not enough profit for that yet

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