[MommysGirl] Elexis Monroe, Autumn Falls Corrupting Your Daughter 03.23.2019

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Watch Free JAV Porn Elexis Monroe is in her bedroom, angrily packing bags. She can’t believe she was so stupid, Elexis says regretfully to herself. But there’s NO WAY she’s going to let that bastard get away with this, she says with resolve. Just then, her stepdaughter Autumn Falls pops her head in the door, knocking softly. She wanted to see her?, Autumn asks delicately. Of course, honey, come in, Elexis says, her eyes lighting up with the beginnings of a plan. Autumn enters the room and sits on the bed. Elexis sits down next to her, telling Autumn that she needs to talk to her. She gently tells Autumn that she has to move out because her husband is cheating on her. It is hard, but it’s not Autumn’s fault, Elexis says. She knows, she just…wish it didn’t have to be this way, Autumn says, looking away. She wishes the same thing, but this is the choice Autumn’s father made, so she has to go, Elexis says. She can’t believe he is such an IDIOT,

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