[JulesJordan 05-11-2019] Slut Bitch Gang

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Slut Bitch Gang members Emily & Jane are hanging out in downtown LA when Detective Prince shows up to ruin their fun. Jane was just released from prison and is happy to be out and chillin with her gang friends again, so she and Emily decide to get into some trouble tonight. They’re hanging in a grungy tunnel when Prince notices them and decides to check out what’s going on. He knows they’re part of the Slut Bitch Gang so he frisks them to make sure they’re not packing and then makes them an offer, “Do you want to go home or go to jail?” Prince throws them in the back of his squad car and heads to his house to see what these sluts are really made of. Once the garage door has closed, Prince pulls them out of the car and tells them both to get on their knees, they know the drill. Reluctantly, the girls go with it because they

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