[GirlsWay] Tiffany Watson, Kira Noir Getting Hot In Here 02.15.2019

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Kira groans, saying that the air conditioner CAN’T be dead TODAY of all days! It’s a record-setting heatwave out there! Kira insists that she’ll call their landlord and get the problem fixed as quickly as possible. Kira calls the landlord, greeting them pleasantly and stating that their air conditioner went kaput and that she and her roommate are roasting alive. Her face falls as she relays to Tiffany that the landlord says that they’ll try but it may be hard getting it serviced during a heatwave — it’s going to be super busy! In the meantime, they should do everything possible to stay nice and cool. Kira thanks the landlord, anyway, then hangs up and groans, picking at her shirt

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