[GirlsWay 12-12-2019] Wrong Homework

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Jeni Angel is pleased with the latest book assignment she handed into Cherie DeVille, her teacher. She’s sure she’s aced it, which is why she’s confused when Cherie calls her in after class for a meeting. When Jeni greets Cherie, something seems to be off. As they discuss her book report, it almost seems like they’re talking about two different things. It’s like Cherie wants Jeni to confess to something, but she has no idea what… until Cherie starts reading from the assignment: ‘As I looked up at her dripping bosom, mine became damp — moist at the thought of her licking, moist at the thought of her breath in my face… As her heaving breasts bounced above me, I could feel her clitoris pressed onto mine, rubbing, grinding, over and over as the passion built

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