FakehubOriginals Lyen Parker Kung Fu Fight School / 09.01.2018

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Watch Free JAV Porn When Lyen Parker decides she wants to learn how to fight, she signs up for Kung Fu lessons with sensei Mike Angelo. Mike begins the lesson by assessing Lyen’s innate abilities. The coach grabs a training pad and tells Lyen to strike it. When she strikes it with minimal force, Mike goads her on and eventually tells her to kick him. Mike collapses in pain, and feeling guilty, Lyen checks on his injured member. As she rubs it better, Mike asks Lyen to kiss it better, and she gives him a blowjob, then Mike, worried about if it still works, asks her to sit on it. Lyen bounces her big ass up and down on Mike’s dick, taking him deep in her pussy, and they get a better workout than any martial arts session alone can provide.

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