[CuckoldSessions] Jade Nile 09.02.2018

In this video

Watch Free JAV Porn Jade Nile is an area manager for an independent clothing store chain. The company is growing rapidly, which means Ms. Nile is a busy lady. Since she’s the boss, she often drops by stores unannounced, and today’s one of those days. This store has three employees, and while two of them are doing great, one of the guys isn’t. After a brief store inspection, Ms. Nile starts a meeting. A very interesting sales meeting, as Ms. Nile’s sales techniques are a bit…shall we say…unconventional. “Men are driven by sex”, Ms. Nile begins, “which means I’m about to motivate you.” The salesmen can’t believe what they’re witnessing: the area manager slowly taking off her clothes?!

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