[AllGirlMassage] AJ Applegate, Danni Rivers Stretch Me Out 01.07.2019

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Watch Free JAV Porn Danni Rivers is on her bed studying. She looks at her book, puts it down and tries to stretch in the same way the book is indicating. She stretches down and says ‘I don’t think that’s it.’ She double checks the book and tries it again and compares with her reflection in the full length mirror, but scrunches her face in frustration. ‘I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong.’ She stands up and frets for a moment before giving up. She flops back on the bed and grabs her cell phone and dials. She calls her classmate, AJ Applegate, and starts asking her questions about the assignment. ‘Are you having trouble with any of the poses?’ she asks. ‘I just can’t seem to get my head around Figure 1 in chapter 6.’ She pauses for a few moments as her friend replies on the other end of the line. ‘Oh really…? You’d come over and help me

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